IP Journal of Surgery and Allied Sciences

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Get Permission Hassan, Bhateja, Arora, and Prathyusha: Cryo surgery in dentistry


The acceptable evacuation of ailing or distorted tissues by the specialist has relied generally on progressively advanced and complex methods using the most straightforward of instruments, the blade. Now and again, different techniques for tissue demolition have been utilized, synthetic concoctions, light by X-beams and high-recurrence electric flow being a couple of them. Preferably, any procedure in rivalry with the specialist's surgical blade ought to be easy, produce insignificant harm to the encompassing tissues, be specific against, for instance, threatening cells, be restricted and promptly controllable and advance quick and uneventful recuperating. As indicated by Arnott, 1, 2, 3 low temperatures could be utilized to obliterate malignant developments. Cryosurgery is a strategy for nearby devastation of tissues by freezing in situ "Cryosurgery" is gotten from the Greek word "Kryos," that is, ice, therefore truly significance ice medical procedure. 4 The neighborhood utilization of low temperature was most likely originally utilized as a methods for absense of pain by the old Egyptians.5 This property of freezing was likewise misused for the removal of appendages during the Franco-Prussian Wars. 5 For all intents and purposes every single organic tissue exposed to a temperature of −20°C or beneath for a moment or more experience cryogenic congelation or rot. 6 Oral injuries being both warm and damp are unmistakably fit to this specialized system. 6, 7 It is very simple to assault oral sores over and again with the cryoprobe, with just minimal starter readiness of either patient or employable field. Tissues near the test freeze rapidly, however ice is a proficient protector, so advance freezing continues just gradually. As ice postpones the spread of freezing, it diminishes the opportunity of incidental harm to the hidden tissues. On account of the slope of warmth misfortune, neighboring tissues are safe. 6

In cryosurgery, nothing is extracted; rather, the injury is solidified and the resultant necrotic tissue is permitted to swamp precipitously. Tissue passing outcomes from a mix of direct cell impacts, for example, development of ice precious stones, cell drying out, protein denaturation and interruption of cell layers and from ischemic dead tissue coming about because of disappointment of microcirculation. Vascular balance upgrades the direct deadly impact. 7 Cryosurgery could be utilized to create an all-inclusive, however reversible, nerve obstruct in the administration of unmanageable facial torment. This clinical utilization of cryosurgery is known as Cryoneurotomy is additionally utilized for the treatment of unmanageable neurogenic torment in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ).8, 9 Cryotherapy is profoundly respected in the treatment of restricted intraoral tumors overlying bone. After treatment, the tumor is sloughed, uncovering the hidden bone. No evil impacts result from this introduction despite the fact that months go before the bone is secured by delicate tissue once more. In this way, essential tumors of bone may be treated by freezing, without extraction or removal. 10

Mechanism of action

There are different particular instruments by which tissues might be harmed by freezing. These instruments exist together at the hour of a solitary cryosurgical treatment, and since the prevalence of each fluctuates as indicated by the device utilized, the physical idea of the tissues being dealt with, the good ways from the cryoprobe, and the rate and level of cooling, a comprehension of these components empowers one to differ the strategy as indicated by the nature, site, size and profundity of the sore to be dealt with.

Direct effect

Formation of ice crystals

At the point when the pace of freezing is quick (more prominent than 5°C every second), especially in the prompt region of the test tip where the cooling rate approaches −70°C every second, ice gems structure in both extracellular and intracellular liquid.1 The more fast the cooling rate, the bigger the ice precious stones shaped, and by chance the more noteworthy the level of attachment of the tissues to the test. Huge ice precious stones produce physical interruption of cell films.

Dehydration of cells

Inside the external zone of ice ball where the temperature is about −10°C, the cooling rate approximates to −1/2°C every second. At such a rate, freezing happens in the extracellular space just, the cell layers going about as a hindrance to the proliferation of ice precious stones. This more slow freezing catches extracellular water atoms, with the goal that ionic grouping of electrolytes in the extracellular space increments. Intracellular water at that point drops of the cells, yet thus gets caught in the spreading ice front. The cells in this manner become got dried out and experience physical shrinkage. Besides, the convergence of electrolytes both inside and outside the cell layers increments to levels which become irreversibly poisonous to cell work.

Thermal shock

It most likely relates to cell membrane damage caused by rapid freezing rates which in the systems described can be of the order of 1000°C/minute.

Enzymes inhibition

As each cellular enzyme system operates optimally over a narrow temperature range, sudden cooling acts as an inhibitor.

Indirect effect

Vascular effects

Ischemic putrefaction created by vascular balance and microthrombus development is a huge piece of the cryodestructive procedure.11 Large vessels keep on working, in spite of the fact that with expanded penetrability.

Immunological effects

These may add to the pulverization of a sore treated by cryosurgery. Such an impact could be because of an enormous arrival of obsessive cell antigens as well as changes to the antigenic idea of the solidified and defrosted cells, in this way making them vulnerable to have reconnaissance systems.

Application of cryosurgery in maxillofacial lesions

Benign lesions

Melanin problems

Proof based writing for the utilization of cryosurgery in the administration of mucosal considerate sores isn't exceptionally extraordinary. Melanin pigmentation of gingiva is a typical condition that introduces itself without separation of race, sexual orientation, or ethnicity. Aside from lasers and medical procedure, effective depigmentation of gingiva utilizing cryosurgery has been accounted for by Yeh,12 who treated twenty patients with gingival hyperpigmentation with q-tips plunged in fluid nitrogen for 20-30 s. Astounding outcomes were seen with generally excellent patient acknowledgment and fulfillment. Yeh13 additionally contemplated the impact of such low temperatures on oral melanotic macules. These were arranged on the vermilion of the lip causing unattractive appearance and tasteful worry for the patients. He treated 15 patients with fluid nitrogen likewise for 30 s with recuperation in 7 days. Repigmentation was noted in 6 patients and was withdrawn in a similar way to acquire total reduction. Slight erythema of the labial mucosa grew following treatment followed by a white quagmire which was seen in 4 days that could be isolated from the fundamental tissue. No postoperative torment, discharge, contamination, or scarring happened in any of these patients.2

Inflammatory papillary hyperplasia

Incendiary papillary hyperplasia is a condition with steady distress for the dental replacement wearers that outcomes from hyperplasia of the palatal and labial mucosal tissues along the dental replacement outskirts. This represents a troublesome situation for the dental specialist just as the patient, and subsequently, different treatments have been attempted till date which incorporates medical procedure, 14, 15, 16 CO2 laser removal, 17 cryosurgery, 14, 15, 16 and electrocautery. Cryotherapy is an old procedure for treatment of this condition and has furnished great outcomes with less repeat. A cotton tool absorbed fluid nitrogen was situated onto the hyperplastic tissue for 12-30 s by Amaral et al. Complete involution was acquired with two to four medicines done at week by week stretches. Getter and Perez 17, 18 utilized Freon, a fluid cryogen for 45 s over the hyperplastic tissue at a temperature of −50°C to −60°C. Numerous visits were required to treat the whole hyperplastic tissue. As indicated by him, cryosurgery was superior to electrocautery in creating least patient uneasiness and no hostile scent.

Pyogenic granuloma

Narula and Malik.19 in his examination treated three pyogenic granulomas and one fibroma utilizing nitrous oxide shut framework to accomplish a test temperature of −70°. Freezing for 2 min followed by defrosting for 4 min was finished. Two meetings were required for every sore for their total relapse. Cryosurgery gave a bloodless field insignificant scar arrangement in correlation with regular careful treatment for both the injuries.


Hemangiomas have been for the most part treated by means of an open cryosurgery technique in the past which wiped out the utilization of a more advanced device. Cryosurgery gets total relapse of huge hemangiomas two freeze-defrost cycles 1½ min each as detailed by Leopard. 20 Nitrous oxide (−89°C), conveyed by an interesting nitrous oxide cryosurgical mechanical assembly, was utilized by Gongloff et al. to convey the freeze cycle for 127 s in contrast with nitrogen framework (60 s) because of the temperature distinction. Ten patients treated with nitrous oxide cryosurgery demonstrated insignificant blood misfortune and inconvenience. Useful weakness or distortion portrayed with traditional techniques for careful extraction were not taken note.21 Yeh treated hemangiomas with q-tip nitrogen framework for 60-70 s in 2-4 successive medicines and found no repeat.

Premalignant diseases


Leukoplakia is the most well-known oral conceivably dangerous issues. Axell, in 1996, portrayed it as an overwhelmingly white sore of the oral mucosa that can't be described as some other perceptible injuries. From times, different medicines have been pursued for leukoplakia. The underlying treatment for leukoplakia utilizing cryosurgery goes back to 1970 when it was utilized by Leopard. 20 He utilized two freeze-defrost patterns of up to 1½ min and treated 40 patients of which two neglected to react. In the equivalent decade, Sako et al. gave the repeat pace of cryosurgery on leukoplakia as 20%. 22 About a similar time, Poswillo worried on the use of depicting the leukoplakic patches with toluidine blue color before the use of cryo to give an appropriate freeze-defrost cycle for the whole fix area without bypassing any.23

Cryosurgery for oral leukoplakia is a promising methodology even today. From the use of an open framework for treatment, the change has moved to the utilization of cryoguns for cryotherapy. In spite of the fact that this needs more refined mechanical assembly, the outcomes are far superior as far as treatment result as featured by Yu et al. Complete relapse was accomplished in every one of the 54 patients with 60 injuries treated with cryogen cryotherapy and just a couple of arrangements (mean 3.1) were required for complete annihilation of the injury in contrast with q-tip cryotherapy accomplished for 60 sores (mean 6.3). The sores were showered with fluid nitrogen for 7-10 s and permitted to defrost for 20s. They treated patients once in like clockwork till the accomplishment of complete relapse. They expressed that the q-tip conveys just a modest quantity of fluid nitrogen that can't keep up a steady low temperature in the treated oral leukoplakia lesional tissues and in this way is not so much viable but rather more treatment cycles are expected to accomplish results.

Lichen planus

Lichen planus is a premalignant condition that has both cutaneous and mucous appearance. Oral lichen planus (OLP) introduces itself with reciprocal white striae, papules, or plaques that might be available in buccal mucosa, tongue, or gingiva. They have been dealt with utilizing effective steroids, lasers, antifungal mouthwashes, careful extraction, and cryosurgery.

Narula and Malik21 treated ten patients with cryosurgery utilizing nitrous oxide framework by applying two freeze-defrost cycles every zone. Freezing time was 1½ min followed by a 3 min defrost. The quantity of meetings required relied upon the size of the sore. Two of his patients accompanied repeat. He consequently proposed that cryosurgery is a decent treatment alternative notwithstanding complete fix it is palliative for lichen planus. Amanat et al. 24 thought about the treatment of cryosurgery and steroids for thirty patients with two-sided OLP injuries. From every patient, a sore on one side was picked haphazardly for a solitary meeting of cryotherapy with nitrous oxide gas and the sore on the opposite side got triamcinolone acetonide 0.1% salve in orabase. Toward the finish of the treatment, they noticed that cryosurgery with nitrous oxide gas was as powerful as steroid application. Nonetheless, in patients with overlying foundational conditions that contraindicate the utilization of steroids, cryosurgery is the best treatment choice. Another additional preferred position is that no supra included contaminations, for example, candidiasis happen with cryosurgery.


  1. Minimal general unsettling influence to the patient, especially very much acknowledged by the old.

  2. Low intricacy rate.

  3. Reasonably unsurprising volume of tissue pulverization. Especially fit to broad shallow injuries.

  4. Treatment might be rehashed as regularly as vital without increment in scarring. This is especially significant in facial skin and in anatomical sulci.

  5. Of incredible incentive in the treatment of wide regions of premalignant change.

  6. May be utilized as an assistant to medical procedure as well as radiotherapy in palliative tumor control.

  7. Cryosurgery is a protected, simple to perform, and generally reasonable strategy for treating different oral injuries in an out-understanding center.


  1. After agony.

  2. Vesicle development.

  3. Introduction of bone if test applied to territories with flimsy mucoperiosteal surfaces, for example, mucosa over lingual part of mandible. Albeit recuperating might be postponed in such cases, the devitalized uncovered bone stays unaffected and torment free, until sequestration and additionally resorption have happened, and the zone is secured by mucosa once more.

  4. Scarring of facial skin if freezing is accomplished for longer than 20-30 seconds. Recuperating happens with decrease in pigmentation in such cases. In any case, following a couple of months, it might be hard to identify.

  5. Fringe nerve filaments might be agonizing after moderate freezing of adjoining structures, perhaps because of the activity of cell breakdown items. More significant freezing causes Wallerian degeneration More Details which is trailed by recovery, as the nerve sheath engineering stays unblemished. This is likewise the explanation behind decreased sensation following cryosurgery.

  6. The late intricacies are appearance of pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia, post-careful contamination, fever, and pyogenic granuloma. There are additionally some lasting difficulties, for example, hypopigmentation, decay, alopecia and ectropion, when performed close to the eyes.24


Cryosurgery is a sheltered, simple to perform, and generally cheap procedure for treating different oral injuries in an out-tolerant facility. It is an atraumatic type of treatment in contrast with ordinary medical procedure. Fluid nitrogen splash or cryoprobe have been utilized alone or related with other careful strategies in different kinds of oral sores, for example, pyogenic granuloma, angioma, actinic cheilitis, keratoacantoma, fibroma, human papillomavirus (HPV) injuries in HIV and non-HIV patients, hypertrophic lichen planus, leukoplakia and erythroplakia, verrucous carcinoma, bodily fluid sores, and papillary hyperplasia of the sense of taste, among others, with resultant great patient acknowledgment.

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Shaik Ali Hassan, Sumit Bhateja, Geetika Arora, Francis Prathyusha

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